Animated Movie
Set pictures- on stage

Scroll down to see pictures of the Little Mermaid set rental on stages across the country.

liTTLE MERMAID Animated movieversion
set pictures on stage

Please use these as reference only. Make sure to consult the inventory for what comes with the set package. Renderings are initial visions, and the final product or design will have changed. These images are of the set only. For costumes pictures please see our costumes page.

partial client list

Front Row Theatrical

Available Broadway Rentals

Shows available to rent

Beauty and the Beast


Set, Costumes, Drops, Props, Projections

Legally Blonde


Hunchback of Notre Dame

Set, Projections


Set, Costumes, Props, Projections

Little Mermaid

Sets, Drops, Costumes

Music man

Set, Props, Projections


Set, Props

Kinky Boots

Set, Costumes, Props, Projections

Sweeney Todd


Fiddler on the Roof

Set, Props

Frozen jr.

Set, Props, Projections




Set, Projections

Full Monty


Mean Girls


Contact Us

Phone: + 1 800 250 3114
Columbus OH
Clifton NJ
MON-FRI 09:30 - 5:30
SAT-SUN Closed

Premium theatrical rentals


Theatrical rental

Front Row Theatrical Rental offers Premium Broadway rentals of sets, costumes and projections. Front Row's premium rental packages are best for Professional theaters, regional theaters and academic institutions with audiences who are used to seeing the biggest, boldest and most grand scenery, costumes and projections. In addition to rentals, Front Row also offers custom scenery and drop purchase options for those clients who would rather purchase than rent.