Front Row Theatrical Rental doesn’t have a set pricing table for its properties. Pricing is based on length of run and time of year as well as other factors. Also, from time to time, Front Row Theatrical Rental offers special discounts and specials on specific properties. Check our Specials Page for more information.
The table below is merely intended to give potential renters an idea of starting costs. Additional discounts may be available through the packaging of multiple shows or packages. Contact us for more information.
Contact us today to get customized packaged pricing for one or more Mamma Mia rental packages.
Discounts also available for those renting more than one show from Front Row. (I.E. Beauty and the Beast and Newsies.)
Front Row Theatrical Rental doesn’t have a set pricing table for its properties. Pricing is based on length of run and time of year as well as other factors. Also, from time to time, Front Row Theatrical Rental offers special discounts and specials on specific properties. Check our Specials Page for more information.
The table below is merely intended to give potential renters an idea of starting costs. Additional discounts may be available through the packaging of multiple shows or packages. Contact us for more information.
Contact us today to get customized packaged pricing for one or more Mamma Mia rental packages.
Discounts also available for those renting more than one show from Front Row. (I.E. Beauty and the Beast and Newsies.)