Scroll down to see galleries of the Legally Blonde rental set onstage, backstage and the initial renderings.
View pictures of the Cinderella set on-stage, backstage and the original renderings
See the complete listing of what comes with the the Cinderella Premium Set Rental
Shows available to rent
Set, Costumes, Drops, Props, Projections
Set, Projections
Set, Costumes, Props, Projections
Sets, Drops, Costumes
Set, Props, Projections
Set, Costumes, Props, Projections
Set, Props
Set, Props, Projections
Set, Projections
Front Row Theatrical Rental offers Premium Broadway rentals of sets, costumes and projections. Front Row's premium rental packages are best for Professional theaters, regional theaters and academic institutions with audiences who are used to seeing the biggest, boldest and most grand scenery, costumes and projections. In addition to rentals, Front Row also offers custom scenery and drop purchase options for those clients who would rather purchase than rent.